Internal Language School TUL

ALL COURSES ARE IN CZECH LANGUAGE. The only courses that are exclusively for foreigners are "Czech language for foreigners" courses.

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The courses started in the week from 19th February.

We kindly ask students to not sign up for courses marked with "(Z)" since these are only for employees. Courses marked with "(ZS)" are open for both students and employees of TUL.

Basic information about the courses:

  • 12 weeks of teaching per semester;
  • groups of 5 - 15 listeners;
  • in case of interest, it is possible to arrange your own course according to the requirements of the participants;
  • if group teaching does not suit you, book an individual course course;
  • the price for students is CZK 2,000 (for a course of 12 x 90 minutes and at least 5 applicants), the course fee must be paid before the start of classes. Employees of TUL pay just CZK 1,000 

Payment details: account number 305806603/0300, variable symbol 9968, specific symbol 602143, message for the recipient: Your surname and name. If the course does not open due to small number of applicants, the tuition fee will be refunded in full.

If a participant is unable to attend classes for serious reasons, part of the tuition fee will be refunded if they prove their inability to attend classes no later than two weeks after beginning of the course.

In case of further questions or interest in opening a new course (at least 5 candidates), contact Ms. Martina Pacltová by e-mail at

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